For most people there are 3 main factors when choosing speakers;
Visual Appeal
Most of the time with off the shelf solutions we are forced to make some compromises on at least one of these important factors.
While there are many laudable speaker solutions from a host of very capable manufacturers, its a tough task finding a one size fits all solution. Typically we're presented with a limited menu of standard offerings designed to appeal to the masses - often compromising in one sense or another to make them marketable, profitable and feasible for mass production.
'Discrete solutions often mean discrete performance'
Frequently we're forced to choose from the best of the bunch of 'small and discrete' boxes to fit in with our decor. Often with these solutions we're compromising on sound quality or full range of performance (regularly needing to be bolstered even in the mid-range by that subwoofer box that just wont hide itself and makes its location known all too often both visually and audibly).
While some high end mainstream solutions might be just the ticket (we sometimes use those too), those with the highest performance can often be too large or imposing, or run into costs of tens of thousands of pounds and yet remain un-unique.
'Going straight to the maker means less compromise, and the start of something special'
Bespoke-Audio means you get full input into your preferred solution, size, look, finish and performance.
The layers of cost associated with big brand marketing, distribution and retail can then be better spent on design, engineering, driver performance and finish.
We can also help take the uncertainty out of your media/audio/movie room investment by helping to design and specify the right build and equipment for it to perform from day 1; Incorporating sufficient space, materials, connectivity and technology to help it deliver at its full potential. Get that wow factor for you and your guests every time and well into the future with our expert input.
Ready to unleash Bespoke? Drop us an email to or use our contact form.
'Your space, your ears, your solution'
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